The Chapel
To step into the Chapel at St Antony’s is to step out of the busyness and business of the ‘normal’ everyday world, and into a place of stillness and calm.
The chapel timetable follows a pattern of daily morning and evening prayer, together with the regular celebration of the Eucharist, and sung services on Sundays and the major festivals of the Christian year.
This is the central hub around which the life of the Priory revolves, defining the structure of the day and shaping the ethos of everything else we do here.
- On Sundays and Festivals we have a sung Eucharist, with incense, periods of silent prayer and a selection of hymns and Taize chants.
- Weekday services tend to be simpler in format, but always contain significant periods of silence.
Apart from timetabled services, we aim to maintain the chapel as a place reserved for prayer and contemplation at all times.
Confession, also known as the sacrament of reconcilliation, may be arranged by appointment.
Regular Service Times
Our worship is in the catholic tradition of the Church of the England, with a particular emphasis on silent prayer. The Priory has an inclusive policy with regard to Eucharistic Presidency.
Sunday Services
10.30am Sung Mass
Weekdays Monday-Friday
8.00am Quiet Time
8.30am Morning Prayer
12noon Eucharist (Tues & Thur) or Midday Prayer
4.30pm Quiet Time or Evening Prayer (some days)
All are very welcome to attend any of our services.
If attending services outside of normal opening times (e.g. on a Sunday or in the evening) please access the Chapel via the outside steps, or the new external ramp lift for disabled access (via the garden), rather than through the house, as we may not hear the doorbell.

Festivals and Additional Services in 2025
Sunday 5 January, 10.30am
Epiphany, Sung Mass and Procession
Friday 17 January, 12noon
St Antony, Patronal Festival
Sunday 2 February, 10.30am
Candlemas, Sung Mass with Blessing of Candles
Wednesday 5 March, 7.30pm
Ash Wednesday, Sung Mass with Imposition of Ashes
Every Friday during Lent, 11.30am
Stations of the Cross
Tuesday 25 March, 12noon
Annunciation, Sung Mass
Palm Sunday, 13 April 10.30am
Sung Mass with Blessing of Palms and Procession
Maundy Thursday, 17 April, 7.30pm
Sung Mass with Footwashing and Watch
Good Friday, 18 April
11.30am Stations of the Cross
3.00pm Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday
Holy Saturday, 19 April, 7.30pm
Easter Vigil and First Mass of Easter
Easter Sunday, 20 April, 10.30am
Sung Mass with Blessing of the Easter Garden
Thursday 29 May, 12noon
Ascension Day, Sung Mass
Thursday 19 June, 12noon
Corpus Christi, Sung Mass and Procession of the Blessed Sacrament
Sunday 28 September, 10.30am
Michaelmas, Sung Mass
Sunday 2 November, 10.30am
All Saints’, Sung Mass
Monday 3 November, 7.30pm
All Souls’ Mass of Requiem
Thursday 25 December, 10.30am
Christmas Day, Sung Mass and Blessing of Crib