Like all charities, we rely on the generosity of our supporters
Over the years, many people have chosen to support the work of the Priory with a monthly Standing Order; others have made one-off donations in relation to specific events or activities, such as Spiritual Direction, retreats or as regular members of our Chapel congregation. Details of how to donate to the Priory follow below.
Many people make direct payments via their bank account, or by cash or card in person at the Priory. It is also possible to make a regular monthly donation via the Paypal button (on the right hand side below).
If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider Gift-Aiding your donation; details below.
We are very grateful to all our supporters – past, present and future – we literally couldn’t do it without you!
How to Donate to St Antony's Priory
You can support the Priory by making a donation in a variety of ways. For many people, a BACS payment by online banking may be the easiest (our bank details appear below), but we can receive donations by a variety of other means also (details opposite).
Sort Code: 09-02-22
Account Number: 10914359
Please include a payment reference, so that we can allocate your donation correctly. Ideally the reference should comprise your name and the purpose of the donation.
For example: N Person Retreat (or spiritual direction, or quiet day, etc)
Other ways to Donate
Cash please use a donation envelope and put it in the donation box in the front hall.
Credit/Debit Card payments can be made in the Office.
Cheque made payable to: Society of the Sacred Mission (not St Antony’s Priory)
Paypal please use the button below (this can also provide an easy way of making a regualr monthly donation to support our work):
Gift Aid
If you are making a donation to the Priory, for whatever purposes, and you are a UK taxpayer, please consider Gift Aiding your donation. We are able to claim an additional 25% from HMRC on top of your donation, at no extra cost to you. All you need do is complete our online Gift Aid declaration and we’ll take care of the rest. A downloadable version is also available here.